Minimum Best Prescription Guideline in India

Following Minimum Prescription, Policies to Be followed

  1. All indoor and outdoor patient prescriptions to be complete and should have
    1. Patient Details: Name, age, UHID/Reg No, Gender,
    2. Patients Illness details: Provisional Diagnosis, chief complaints, main findings
    3. Drug/Medicine Details: Name, Dose, Frequency, timing & method of administration
    4. Duration of Therapy
    5. Consultant’s Signature and name to be there in each prescription along with date and time.
  2. Names of medications to be written in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY
  3. No confusing abbreviations for units (OD, BD, TDS, CST, SOS, HS, etc ) to be used
  4. Correct use of decimal point: There shall be no naked decimal point, a 0 to be used before the decimal point. No trailing decimal points to be used for absolute numbers.
  5. No abbreviation to be used for medicine names
  6. All Consent to be taken and countersigned by consultants treating the patients.
  7. All procedural consent to be taken and countersigned by the consultant performing the procedure.
  8. All anesthesia-related consents to be taken and countersigned by the anesthetist.
  9. General consent to be taken by front-office and countersigned by treating consultant.
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