Mental health

Mental Health

Hikikomori: Is It A Social Issue, Or A Mental Problem?

In Japan, the hikikomori phenomenon is something that the country’s government supposedly views with a mix of disdain and worry. The act of completely cutting oneself off from all social and human contact for an extended period is an understandable cause of alarm, particularly in a cultural and corporate environment like that of Japan. The […]

Hikikomori: Is It A Social Issue, Or A Mental Problem? Read More »

Eclipsing the Mind: The Most Common Mental Health Disorders Today

Statistics about mental health problems are now becoming more increasingly alarming. The key factors in the apparent rise in mental health cases have not yet been fully determined. In fact, authorities may have released inaccurate figures since people tend to hide mental illness or ignore them. This is also the reason why many mental health

Eclipsing the Mind: The Most Common Mental Health Disorders Today Read More »

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