Hospital Designing for Behavioral Health Patients

Designing a hospital environment for behavioral health patients is a complex process. Unlike traditional medical patients, behavioral health patients require a safe and calming environment that promotes healing and recovery. In this blog post, we’ll explore the important factors to consider when designing a hospital environment for behavioral health patients.

1 Safety

Safety is a top priority when designing a hospital environment for behavioral health patients. Hospitals should ensure that patients cannot harm themselves or others while receiving care. This may involve designing patient rooms with tamper-resistant features, such as reinforced walls and floors, breakaway lighting fixtures, and anti-ligature hardware. Hospitals should also consider providing access to outdoor spaces or exercise facilities to help promote physical activity and reduce stress.

2 Privacy

Privacy is an essential component of a behavioral health patient’s recovery. Hospitals should provide private rooms that allow patients to have a sense of control over their environment. Private rooms also help reduce the risk of infection and promote confidentiality. Hospitals should also ensure that patient information is kept confidential and that patient rooms are designed to minimize noise levels.

3 Staffing

Behavioral health patients require specialized care from trained staff who can provide emotional support and interventions as needed. Hospitals should ensure that there is adequate staffing, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses who have training and experience working with behavioral health patients. Hospitals should also ensure that staff members are trained in nonviolent crisis intervention and other techniques to help manage patient behavior.

4 Comfort

Behavioral health patients often experience high levels of anxiety and stress. Hospitals should ensure that patient rooms and common areas are designed to promote comfort and relaxation. This may involve using soothing colors, comfortable furnishings, and creating a calming environment through the use of nature-based designs, like gardens or aquariums.

5 Technology

Technology can play an important role in supporting the care of behavioral health patients. Hospitals should ensure that patient rooms are equipped with technology that allows for easy communication between patients and staff, as well as access to mental health resources and educational materials. Hospitals should also consider the use of telemedicine technology to connect patients with mental health professionals who may not be available onsite.

6 Accessibility

Behavioral health patients require access to a range of services and resources to support their recovery. Hospitals should ensure that patient rooms and common areas are accessible to patients with physical disabilities or mobility impairments. This may involve designing facilities with wheelchair-accessible doorways, hallways, and bathrooms. Hospitals should also ensure that patient rooms are designed with a range of mobility aids, such as handrails and grab bars, to help patients move around safely.

7 Staff and Patient Safety

Behavioral health patients may pose a risk to themselves or others. Hospitals should ensure that patient rooms and common areas are designed to promote staff and patient safety. This may involve using closed-circuit television systems and alarms that can be used to alert staff if a patient becomes agitated or aggressive.


In conclusion, designing a hospital environment for behavioral health patients requires a unique approach. Safety, privacy, staffing, comfort, technology, accessibility, and staff and patient safety are all important factors to consider when designing a hospital environment for behavioral health patients. By prioritizing these factors and creating a safe and calming environment, hospitals can help promote healing and recovery in their behavioral health patients.


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