Resident Medical Officer-R.M.O.

Hospitals looking for MBBS Resident Doctor Job Recruitment and Placement want candidates to perform numerous tasks as given below.

  1. RMO is bound to maintain round the clock prompt availability to the patient who arrives in Wards.
  2. RMO is responsible to ensure the availability of emergency equipment and emergency drugs in all nursing stations. (List of equipment/emergency drugs}
  3. RMO will use his medical equipment/drugs/disposables available in his stock immediately to relieve the agony of the patient without bothering whether the relatives of the patient have brought these from the chemist shop or not. These things can always be replaced later.
  4. While managing the patient RMO will follow defined emergency procedures. He will assess the need of calling the respective consultant during this period,
  5. After the patient is seen by the consultant RMO will follow his instructions regarding investigations (Investigation Procedure} and treatment. He will personally involve himself in this management while keeping the patient informed regarding his/her progress.
  6. RMO will accompany the serious patient everywhere for investigations, for ICU/ OT transfer etc.
  7. If the patient is leaving against medical advice you can still prescribe drugs, if possible after writing the above two sentences and mentioning and Starting your prescription as * “In the meantime —
  8. If the patient requires urgent Blood transfusion RMO will help the patient in the following ways –
    • Counsel the relatives regarding arranging the blood and its urgency and prepare the relatives for blood donation.
    • Fill in the Blood requisition form promptly making sure that it is duly signed and stamped. So that the relatives are not sent back from Blood Bank.
    • A blood sample of the patient is taken in the proper vial/tube. This sample should be properly labeled and signed. These data on the sample should match the data on the Registration form. The label sample is as per the format given.
    • RMO should simultaneously talk to Hospital Blood Bank, find out the availability of the Blood of the same group, and then send the person for Blood Requisition. In case of a serious emergency, RMO will request the Hospital blood bank for the prompt delivery of blood.
    • If required blood not available in the hospital blood bank, the blood bank will enquire about same from another blood bank where phone number lists have maintained
  1. RMO will attend to all the patients whose responsibility is delegated to him regarding their medical or administrative problems and solve them. RMO will write the notes on file after he attends to any such call regarding medical problems.
  2. RMO will have very effective communication with the consultants and will inform them of any turn of event in patient condition.
  3. If RMO is not getting adequate help from the consultant then he will immediately inform MS regarding the same.
  4. RMO will write in file/call register regarding call given to consultants with specific time and date.
  5. It should be very clear to the RMO that if any patient who is very sick and needs transfer to another center for Diagnosis or treatment will always be accompanied by a competent Doctor. It is the duty of the previous Doctor to ensure the safe transfer of the patient to the next center. It is your responsibility to hand over the very sick patient to the next Doctor safely. It is not sufficient just to de-load the patient in the next casualty and run back. Sometimes patients are not admitted to the next hospital because of want of availability of equipment. You have to carry the patient until he reaches the proper place.
  6. It is always better to first ring up the place where the patient is being taken and find out the availability of a bed/ventilator etc. Before starting the patient.
  7. RMO will follow all rules and regulation governing doctors as specified under a separate section of this manual
  8. RMO’s will follow all legal and ethical issues as specified in separate sections of this manual
  9. All RMO’s will sign the attendance register available at Casualty first thing before the start of their daily activity.

They must possess MBBS from MCI/NMC recognized university and should have NMC/MCI registration for role of MBBS Resident Doctor Job Recruitment and Placement.

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