- Nursing In-charge will report directly to the NS on daily and SOS basis.
- Responsible for staffing pattern on following points-
- Assess the need of number and types of Nurses in the hospital.
- If the number is less, then initiate the process of recruitment. The final decision involves appointment committee comprising of Nursing Superintendent , MS and MD..
- Will make the monthly duty roster of the nurses on 29th of every month for the next month and ensure its compliance.
- Nurses requiring leave will take permission (in the specified leave format) from her with prior notice and alternative arrangement. These applications will be kept in personal file of each nurse.
- Will ensure the alternative arrangement of the nurse who suddenly takes leave in emergency.
- Will ensure the availability of Resuscitative equipment in all the departments as per the need. .
- Will ensure the availability of emergency drugs at places where patients are admitted / diagnosed.
- Will ensure the availability of various sets (Required for various procedures) in Emergency, Wards, ICU and NICU departments on daily basis
- Will check the availability of various routine drugs and disposables in emergency, intensive care unit, Dialysis departments on nursing incharge checklists.
- Will ensure the availability of adequate no. of linens including Bed sheets, Pillows, Pillow covers, Blankets etc. At least one day extra stock to be kept at each place.
- Will ensure the availability of various forms, continuation sheets, prescription pads etc. in various places where patients are operated & in LR/OT.
- Will maintain adequate stock of all the above materials and indent it from stores as and when need arises explaining the consumption of previous goods.
- Will recommend to stores department items / goods to be condemned due to wear and tear in due course of time.
- Will take daily round of all admitted patients at least once daily and check the followings-
- Whether Adequate Nursing care is done or not, including sponging or specific nursing care like mouth care, back care, bladder care etc.
- Whether the nurses have administered all drugs as per schedule advised by the doctors.
- Whether the patients are getting the same brands of drugs as prescribed by doctors or not.
- Whether the patients are taking the diet as advised by the doctor or not.
- Whether the investigations advised by doctor is done in time or not & whether the reports have reached to the ward from Diagnostic center or not before the doctor’s rounds. Hence the rounds of Nursing In-charge should always precede the Doctors Rounds.
- Whether any other order of doctor like arrangement of Blood for transfusion, preparing patient for surgery or cross reference to other specialist has been complied with or not.
- Whether the Rooms and Toilet are clean or not.
- Whether Bed sheet, pillow cover etc. is neat and tidy or not.
- Other check list includes
- Proper working of Telephone
- Proper working of TV
- Availability of All out (mosquito repellent)
- Water availability
- Availability of Chair
- Setty
- Back rest
- Glass, jug, mug bucket.
- Whether patient/Relative has any complaint regarding-
- Dissatisfaction from treatment of doctors
- Dissatisfaction from nursing care
- Dissatisfaction with cleaning or Housekeeping
- Any complaint of behavior.
- Any other complaint
- Will record any complaint in the diary, which will always be carried during the rounds.
- After the round, she will go to nursing station and check the files of the patients and see whether the nurses have properly filled following chart or not-
- Treatment chart
- Nursing care chart
- TPR BP chart
- I/O chart
- Investigation chart
- Any other specific chart like Head injury chart, Insulin chart etc.
- Any discrepancy found in the above information will be noted down in the diary.
- After the round she will sit in her office and open the diary, prioritize the complaints and solve them fast with due coordination of doctors, nurses and Administration.
- Will prepare daily report and present it to NS on daily basis.
- Will take the disciplinary /Appreciative action against the Nurses as per defined policy and procedure of the hospital.
- Will be actively involved in regular training of nurses from time to time.
- Will meet the attendants of all patients admitted in ICU and nursery on daily basis in the chamber and note down their problems, suggestion & complaints in the diary.