Job Description-Staff Nurse-Ward

  1. A committee comprising of Nursing superintendent , MS and MD appoints staff nurse. Documentation has already been described. A separate file for each nurse is maintained.
  2. Nurse is governed by leave rules, termination / resignation policy as applicable to other staff members.
  3. All nurses report to Nursing In-charge and are are provided training from time to time.
  4. Nurse is supposed to be very punctual in her duties and should be willingly available for replacement duties.
  5. On an average a nurse is suppose to do 8 hrs duty per day i.e. two day duties of 6 hrs followed by one night duty of 12 hrs.
  6. She is entitled to a weekly off & other leaves as per the list of hospital Holidays.
  7. Extra duties of nurses are calculated on hour basis and paid as per 8-hrs / day basis.
  8. As soon as the nurse reports on duty she is supposed to takes charge of the following from the previous nurse-
  • Number of patients under her care.
  • Position of pending investigations.
  • Condition of all the patients under her care.
  • Any pending order of patients under her care.
  • Emergency equipment / drugs.
  • Adequate stationary.
  1. Nurse is supposed to administer drugs to patients herself as per the schedule written in treatment chart. Never handover the tablets, capsule or syrups to the patient to be taken himself. She is to ensure that the patient takes all the medicines in her presence.
  2. Nurse has to actively involve herself in Bed making with the help of Ayahs.
  3. All nursing case order and routine nursing care is to be accomplished by the nurse herself.
  4. Nurse is supposed to be available and vigilant (not sleeping) at all times during her duties. She has to be prompt to patient’s call of any type and solve his / her problems of all nature.
  5. The behavior of the nurse is supposed to be very polite even if the patient is rude.
  6. In event of any medical complaint by the patients, nurse is supposed to inform the duty doctor immediately and ensure that the compliance is done immediately.
  7. If the patient complains of pain or similar problem, never wait for the relative to bring the medicine give it from your stock get it replaced later.
  8. If the nurse observes that the doctor does not attend patient’s medical complaints, she should inform the Nursing In-charge regarding the same. Similarly all other complaints of the patients must be brought into the knowledge of Nursing In-charge .
  9. Nurse is supposed to check whether consent has been taken from the patient / relative for the O T / Surgical procedure
  10. Nurse is supposed to keep the files up to date. She is supposed to fill up all the charts as and when required. Following is the list of charts she has to fill as per the case-
    • TPR chart
    • Input/output chart
    • Nursing care chart
    • Treatment chart
    • Head injury chart
    • Investigation chart
    • Incentive chart
  11. To hand over the X- Ray, USG report to the patient.
  12. Nurse is supposed to comply various pre requisites before sending the patient to OT.
  13. Nurse should get a written Blood notes order for Blood transfusion from the duty doctor before starting blood transfusion.
  14. Nurse is supposed to check carefully, the details on blood bag and match the details on file like name of PT., Age / Sex, Bed No., Blood group etc. before starting blood.
  15. Any patient receiving blood is closely monitored and the speed of transfusion is to be maintained as per the order of duty doctor.
  16. Never prick the patient more than twice for starting IV line. If it is difficult to find the vein, call the duty doctor.
  17. Always keep an extra oxygen cylinder in ready to use condition if the other cylinders are in use.
  18. Nurse is supposed to keep stock of items in her possession. At least one day extra stock is to be kept with her.
  19. Nurse is supposed to be keep sufficient stock of emergency / routine drugs, disposables, all emergency equipments in working condition, sufficient oxygen cylinders should be ready to use condition. Any routine / emergency requirements are to be reported to Nursing In-charge .
  20. All ward boys, sweepers, Ayah report to nurse and are working under her. Nurse is supposed to take work from them. Any deficiency in duty is to be reported to Nursing In-charge .
  21. Never ever send the patient to other wards / OT / outside the hospital without accompanying the patient if he / she is in serious condition.
  22. Relieve the patient only after he / she gets discharge slip from the reception.
  23. At the time of discharge, verify the checklist regarding the material of hospital in patient’s room.
  24. When patient is administrated oxygen always mention in file in the charge sheet as below-
    • Starting time – stopping time of oxygen.
    • Change of every oxygen cylinder. (Number of oxygen cylinder used.)
  25. If the patient requires any investigation, write the investigation on prescription slip duly signed by you and send the relative to the Diagnosis centre reception in day time and main reception at night. In case the relative is not available or does not have money for investigation then the investigation slip is to be sent to reception with credit written on the top of it.
  26. There are few patients where instructions are written on file that their medicine and investigation are to be done on credit. In these patients also on all prescription and investigation slips nurse is supposed to write credit.
  27. Nebulization / steam inhalation / dressings and procedures which are done at bedside are also chargeable. Hence nurse is supposed to write in charge slip ( red sheet) regarding type of procedure done along with date and time.
  28. Nurses are the person in close contact with the patient they are supposed to very polite, caring and helpful.
  29. Nurses are supposed to wear the identification plate on their dress at time of duty.
  30. If nurses find any indiscipline on part of patient / relatives / hospital staff, they are supposed to inform the matter properly to Nursing In-charge .
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