
Staff Training Basic-Entry Level

Original price was: ₹8,850.00.Current price is: ₹4,425.00.


This training covers basic policies and procedures on patient care for hospital staff in various departments and roles.

This covers basic staff training on the following topics

  1. Scope of Services
  2. Safe Laboratory Practices
  3. Safe Imaging Practices
  4. Child Abduction and Prevention Training
  5. Infection Control and Prevention Practices
  6. Fire Safety and Fire Mock Drill
  7. Spill Management in a healthcare facility
  8. Safety Education Program Training
  9. Needle Stick Injury
  10. Medication Management (Medication Errors, Adverse Drug Reactions and Near Misses
  11. Disciplinary Action and Misconduct
  12. Employee Grievance Redressal

The aim of the training is to impart knowledge of the basic level for hospital staff in various departments.


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